Case Files

(10/24: Updates coming to the case files weekly now! Yay!!)

Government Personnel:

The individuals doing their best to just keep a lid on it all behind the guise of the military.


Eldritch beings and afflicted individuals.

  • Altyr Wheateley
  • Andrea Roche
  • Beatrix Martin
  • Cyanea
  • Erythro
  • Guthrie Martin
  • Idony
  • Mila Babic

Individuals of Interest:

Humans who’ve attracted a bit too much eldritch attention for their own good.

  • Angus Campbell
  • Brad Walker
  • Eadric Williams
  • Elodine Blanc
  • Madoc Morrison
  • Wulfric Adams

Hand written accounts:

Individuals making first hand accounts of the ineffable:

(Developers note: These beautiful tales written by H.P Lovecraft and other respective writers help craft the base of our universe. It’s our absolute joy to be able to host these works in an accessible format for players looking to find out what they can take as ‘reality’ when they start their adventure. Please note, we do not always concur with the personal views of the authors we source, we do however appreciate the art and world building. We ask that you understand when reading these that nuance, context, and intention are key in works that may seek to use them as a world building tool.)