Category: Uncategorized

  • TTI beta is here

    Yay! Nine active months of development, five months of coding, nearly a year invested so far. And we’ve come a pretty long way! Growing from only a couple hundred users every month to a player base of over six THOUSAND individuals. The framework to make everything work has been established. Now, we will take a…

  • Anthropic API access announcement

    Holy similar syllables, flying mammal man, that title is a mouthful. But it’s true, within the next 30 days it looks like we’ll have an anthropic API connection! We’ve got ahold of everything we need for the setup and will make the Poe/Claude connection available ASAP.

  • Beta launches 11/3

    The beta is almost here. What does that mean? Simply put the alpha was designed for us to build the framework for each crucial system. One for chats, one for storing data, another to handle automatically changing prompts for users, so on and so on. Beta allows us to expand on the content and framework…