Stats come to TTI!

Health! Madness! Affection! All with unique counters and conditions. I’ve been wanting to get this one right for a while, and when sitting down and streaming with you guys we managed to get it all worked out. Thanks for the company! This is a fantastic framework for us to build on and integrate into the quests!

SO! How do stats work? Right now, it’s on a toggle, the script will add and remove itself with clear notes marking where the script starts and stops. All you have to do is click the button to enable the code.

STATS! They’ll appear as a minimized message after the AI gets done with its post. This is to help keep the stats from being overly intrusive By expanding this box you also have the ability to edit all your stats.

Health 100/100: Your starting value is maxed out, simple actions like resting and eating will restore your health as well as magic. Only physical injuries detract from health.

Madness: 0/100: Your starting value is minimized. This counter tracks the psychological damage your character has encountered. Madness is often moved by dramatic events and the fluff in-between to soothe them.

Affection: 50/100: This stat is the characters affection towards the user! This value determines just how much the bot does/doesn’t enjoy the company of your character. Depending on your jailbreak, this stat will work accordingly for both SFW and NSFW playthroughs.

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