Summer Classes: Development Returns Aug 1st

Where to start? Let’s go with the simple stuff! Yes, development has slowed down on my end as I prepare for another set of classes for the summer. This has meant updating my course material so it’s always up to date for students! As a result, I’ve been a little slow on the development front and things will continue to be slow until the end of July.

It was my goal to see TTI fully wrapped up in the first quarter of this year! But: this new career path in education has forced me to make some hard choices on where my working time is spent. I’ve readjusted my expectations to having TTI finished at the end of this year, where the site will continue to stay up in that state for the indefinite future.

Thank you all again for your unending patience and support! Seeing this place grow with me has been an absolute delight and there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.

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