New web based front end – Alpha Release: May 10th

While I internally debate on the 20 million names we could assign to this new front end. Let’s lay out what you can expect from this initial release and what it means for the older TTI front end for GPT and NAI. First things first: Your old webpages are going NOWHERE! This means that through the release of this front end the play pages for GPT and NAI will remain as they are. There’s no need to migrate anywhere you don’t want to. So, you might be asking why we’d choose to do this.

Over the last year the framework from which we’ve built TTI on has steadily been slipping into decay, and while I am so very grateful for the start it gave us, it’s important to recognize when things no longer server the purpose they once did. AI and roleplying has a lot of current demands our front end is not currently meeting. But we’re going to change that very soon.

So while we’re building, let me temper some expectations for our initial alpha release:

  • All Claude text models
  • All GPT text models
  • Switching between models, characters, and threads seemlessly
  • Character cards
  • User and character avatars
  • Model specific settings
  • Initial message
  • Jailbreak instructions
  • Personality instructions
  • Editing messages
  • Sharing characters
  • Comprehensive error handling, if something goes wrong, we’ll now exactly why, you’re unlikely to encounter errors at this stage of development

Things this new front end needs (Remember, these things already functionality exist and now just need to be translated for this new system):

  • Custom code section (for those that still want to use the site for RPA or additional API connections I haven’t input yet)
  • Allow for image generation
  • Expand model list (NAI, Scale, Gemini, Grok, ect)
  • Incorporate TTS
  • Add similar prompt screen functionality in for roleplaying, gamification, and other prompt based fixes
  • Custom styles beyond the default dark mode
  • Cost tracking
  • Thread labels
  • Extended/infinite memory system
  • Additional visual overhauls
  • Import/export system for character cards, chat logs, ect ect

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