OAI is having some problems. Let’s talk.

You may have noticed more rejections, refusals, errors, and latency over the last week. Unfortunately this is entirely on OAI. Let’s break down what’s going on and what you can do about it.

As of last week, OAI switched to a prepaid setting. On this, they also saw a surge in use of fine tuned and trained models. These two things in some way [I suspect at least due to their timing and the sudden latency issues] have caused a cascade of errors, rejections, and latency over the last week. In spite of OAI’s repeated assurances at different points in the week: these errors still persist and many of your inputs however bland will be blocked.

There are currently 0 reports of how this may effect the ban rate as it works on a % of flagged responses. And as of now *most* things are getting flagged. Both in the playground and API.

Unfortunately, do to a lack of transparency and honesty I’d urge people to put a pause on using OAI based services for a day or two until these things get ironed out. This is being suggested out of an abundance of caution and is NOT exclusive to this platform. We serve thousands of individuals every month! And we would never discourage you from using a service without due cause.

We will be giving updates on a daily basis until service has returned to normal.

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