Category: Uncategorized

  • I messed up. 12/4 Outage

    Hey, hey! First off, thanks for even coming back here. Second thing! Man, I fucked up and I am sorry. No two ways about it. While focusing on discord bots and automation with AI this week I neglected some core components of the sites health. As a result, some data was lost, but nothing with…

  • L-io joins the team

    L-io is an AI radio host, joining the team to help manage music on Discord. We have integration plans for the site to include her here. L-io works like any radio host would, playing songs, taking requests, and speaking up every so often over the airwaves to respond to users. L-io has her own voice,…

  • TTI bots come to discord

    Not a fan of playing in the browser? No problem! Bots are coming to discord that will allow you to play with your favorite characters in private messages and servers. These bots will be available for narrative or chatbot experiences.