Category: Uncategorized

  • TTI 1.9.3 Update: GPT4-o Long Output & Polyglot Lore Improvments

    I’ve added in GPT Long Output. This is an alpha model not available to everyone at this time. In addition to this I’m attempting to continue to improve on the lore and memory system. One way this is being done is by making the memory and lore system no longer default to English, but to…

  • TTI 1.9.2 Update: GPT4-o Mini Added & Bug Fixes

    This update is a short and sweet one, friends! Gpt4-o Mini has been added, this is by far the cheapest option for a paid API on the market. I’ve also added some minor fixes to ensure context of each model is now read properly. Thanks for reporting these bugs when you found them, folks! I’m…

  • TTI 1.9.1 Update: More memory options

    Ah, I couldn’t help myself. It was time to give TTI an update! This one expands to give more than a single option for processing memory and lore, as well as cleaning up the way models are presented to you. As always, if you’ve got any problem from this update or others: be sure to…