Q: What is TTI?

A: Tenebrous Tales Interactive or TTI is a choose your own adventure text gen RPG using interconnected bots to function on a game engine powered by AI/generative intelligence.

Q: How are you making a textgen choose your own adventure game work with A.I?

A: Dynamic character cards/bots that will update their information and relationships from chapter to chapter and character to character. This is the simplest breakdown I can give. This system allows us to tackle the limited memory of these generative models currently to track long form stories, or stories with a goal in mind.

Q: Paid or free project?

A: Free, you never ask anyone to playtest your game by making them pay. Entirely investor/dono funded, this is a passion project, not a cash grab. Free character cards exist through c.AI, but less censored models such as GPT/OAI may cost 3-5$ a month on average. Entirely uncensored models running on NovelAI cost between 5-10$ a month.

Q: NSFW support?

A: Yes! While you may be hit with a filter using free characters in c.AI, both forks hosted here will support NSFW, be it GPT or NovelAI.

Q: So, what platform are you hosting the A.I/bots/character cards on?

A: We’re currently using the custom TTI front end hosted here. You can click any of the beta buttons above to get immediate access. You may also find free characters hosted on c.AI if you want to get your toes wet.

Q: Why focus on testing this in c.AI instead of testing character cards for OpenAI, pyg or another alternative?

A:We are focusing testing everywhere. You decide if you want free (c.AI) or something that needs API support (our site).

Q: When will you move this project off of c.AI integration?

A: The free version and character cards will always be hosted on c.AI. However it is not our primary platform for development, it is just a free testing space for character data.

Q: What’s the theme/plot for the story?

A: As of right now we are experimenting with 2/3 chapters surrounding Lovecraft Horrors taking over the US government and the users choice to aid in anarchy or bring down an Old God. 18+ characters have been developed so far for the first chapter and interact appropriately for all dynamic parts of the story. Switching from scene to scene, character to character, and bots integrating other bots are working really well.

Q: How many characters will there be?

A: At least 30 for the first story. I can’t promise more than that without running the risk of my brain frying and falling into repetition.

Q: How many chapters for the first game?

A: We’re going to go with a traditional 3 act story for our first run. Each act will be separated into a different chapter.

Q: Anyone else working on this project?

A: As of 7/10 it’s Elodine and Brad working on this project. We have a number of consultants we meet with both IRL and online to help make sure the character cards are appropriate to the idea at hand! In addition a small number of volunteer playtesters are given free OAI API access for feedback on character cards.

Q: Do you need more help on this project?

A: Update 7/10: Absolutely! TTI is currently in need of some junior developers to handle less technical and tedious tasks. We are always in need of playtesters and feedback.

Q: How do I use the TTI front end?

A: TTI instructions: https://ttalesinteractive.com/play/alpha1.6.html Hit settings in the lower left hand corner, put in your character name and use the key you’ve gotten from me or purchased to put in the proper slot. Click a starter character to get an idea of how to set up your own OC’s. Once set up remember: there is no training system, edit and reroll messages to ensure a character does not drift from desired formatting. Here is a character card for Elodine for example: https://tinyurl.com/ElodineTTIBeta1

Q: Why are the JB’s getting so long? Doesn’t this increase cost to players for GPT?

A: I’m glad you asked, random person. Our JB’s attempt to cater to a specific demographic looking for a Dungeon Master experience where the A.I takes control of all NPC’s. These constraints mean extra rules, extra rules means higher token counts. Each character starts off sending roughly 1k tokens, and cools down to about 700 after the first message. Our bots are designed to be uncensored as well as cost effective, while still bringing you the entirety of the character and the rules you want your A.I to play by. Should you choose, you can always enable lower count JB’s to save more money, but this isn’t going to be the default setting. You will save about 15% in toggling to low token JB’s.

Q: Is this project backed by government entities of any kind?

A: No, we will never, and have never, taken money from the U.S nor any other governing body. Though we regularly consult with staff and individuals in privileged positions, the development of TTI has and will never receive government money.

Q: Are you in one of those privileged positions?

A: No. It heavily conflicts with all of my morals with my understanding of the field. I have been propositioned before for such endeavors but TTI is/was considered a ‘conflict of interest’ and thus I will never qualify for these positions as long as the project lives.

Q: Will you make a bot that is a political figure or based off of one?

A: I might be insane, but I’m not delusional. I know a bad or divisive idea when I see it. Every character is designed with flaws aimed to expose hidden truth, given my experience in these spaces I can say with confidence: neither the individual nor their constituents will support such flaws being brought to light. TTI will never release a character based or built around politics.

Q: Will you ever make a character that is not an adult?

A: Not. Ever. If you come here even sniffing around for L/S bots, this place is not for you. We will never produce this content, there will be no discussion about this.

Q: Will alpha testers get free access to the game come beta release?

A: Yes. No one here should be working for free, while TTI won’t buy your API key after release (keys are only free in testing) we will send you a full copy of the game and current character cards come beta.

Q: Do we get anything else for contributions?

A: Well, yes, actually! Currently there’s only one name on the credits for the game. I would very much like to place names/handles of those who helped me test, make guidelines, and overall contributions to the project in there as well.

Q: What makes this different from shoving text into a c.AI bot?

A: Well, c.AI bots notably have specialized code allowing for semi-guided adventures that are interlinked. It’s also free but on TTI you will have to connect with an API key, generally these are paid. But TTI is where the actual development of the UI/front end is happening. So what can you expect from development on this platform? Here are some goals, some of which are already done.

  • Browser side data means we don’t collect any logs or data and can never sell it! That’s between you and the API! (This is done and will never change)
  • Avatars with facial expressions and that fit the scene, moving expressive models are already possible and this feature is finished
  • Tracked quests (done!)
  • Stat blocks (3 minimum)
  • Dynamic music
  • Dynamic scenery
  • Custom UI including the ability to change text bubble wrappers
  • Memory, lore, and banned token function (Mem and lore integrated with TTI already but some shifts can be made to fit out specific use case)
  • Item and clothing tracking
  • No more spontaneous scene changes or godmod, strict RP rules that can be customized (done)
  • Narration with a set voice and characters speaking in their own voice (half way done, the bots will speak but varying voices is not there yet)
  • Reliable accents (wrapped up)
  • All of this is done at minimum and does not include the already various QOL tweaks (temp and presence testing, custom code integration and development)

Q: When will we see it?

A: You actually can already see parts of this development and discussion in the ⁠development-chat ! All of which you’re able to use at your own discretion with the base character cards. I don’t publish the character cards with unfinished code for testing until it’s passed some testing on the developer side. I’ve never kept this stuff from you guys and don’t plan to, but I don’t want to push broken bots out during the most complex development phase.

Q: So when will it be ready?

A: Ideally the full game will be available to all playtesters (instead of just character cards) 1-2 months before release (november). This isn’t a guarantee. You should watch the development chat for updates and mockups of how this is going.

Q: Who do I talk to about lore?

A: I (Eli) handle the story, lore, and coding. If you have suggestions or questions regarding these things you can always prod me.

Q: Okay, but what about the technical side?

A: During testing if you run into technical errors you’ll want to see Elodine as well, for the moment anything that isn’t related to marketing should be sent to her. For quicker feedback and bug fixes you can report to the appropriate channel on our discord!

Elodine’s Contact: [email protected]