ECHO – Emulated Code for Human-like Operations

In the late winter of 2023 anonymous developers Elodine and Turtle Guy began to research the fundamentals of a new approach to pseudocode languages. What was uncovered was ECHO, a language the newest generations of LLM’s have a preference for. Pseudocode, is an informal way of programming description that does not require strict programming language syntax, yet it mimics the structure of actual programming languages. It is used to plan and communicate algorithms independently from the programming languages in which they will be implemented. Here, we’ll delve into the specifics of ‘ECHO’ pseudocode, including common elements like DEFINE, SET, IF, THEN, RETURN, along with annotations for developer notes.

1. Purpose of Pseudocode

Pseudocode serves several key functions:

  • Algorithm Design: Allows users to sketch and execute long-form and complex bot structures
  • Communication: Provides a medium through which the LLM can better read and understand task breakdowns
  • Teaching: Can help in the teaching of flow of logic

2. Elements of ‘ECHO’ Pseudocode


This statement is used to declare variables or functions.

  • Syntax: DEFINE <VariableName> AS <DataType>
  • Example: DEFINE count AS INTEGER

b. SET

Used for assigning values to variables.

  • Syntax: SET <VariableName> TO <Value>
  • Example: SET count TO 0

c. IF and THEN

These are used for conditional execution, similar to if-then structures in traditional programming languages.

  • Syntax:
  IF <Condition> THEN
  • Example:
  IF count > 10 THEN
      PRINT "Count is greater than 10."


Used within functions to return a value.

  • Syntax: RETURN <Expression>
  • Example: RETURN count * 2

3. Looping Constructs

Looping constructs are often necessary in pseudocode for repeated actions.

a. FOR Loop

  • Syntax:
  FOR <Variable> FROM <StartValue> TO <EndValue>
  NEXT <Variable>
  • Example:
  FOR i FROM 1 TO 10
      PRINT i
  NEXT i

b. WHILE Loop

  • Syntax:
  WHILE <Condition>
  • Example:
  WHILE count < 20
      SET count TO count + 1

4. Developer Notes

In the ‘ECHO’ pseudocode style, comments or notes can be integrated to provide additional guidance or explanation. These are not ‘executed’ but serve as documentation and guiderails.

  • Syntax: # <Note>
  • Example: # This is a simple loop to count to 10

5. Using ECHO Pseudocode

To fully utilize ‘ECHO’ pseudocode in practice:

  • Plan: Outline the entire program or algorithm in ‘ECHO’ pseudocode before coding.
  • Review: Use the pseudocode as a basis for peer reviews or troubleshooting sessions.
  • Refine: Continuously refine the pseudocode as the design evolves or as feedback is received.

6. Conversion to Code

Once pseudocode is finalized, it can be systematically translated into any programming language or used as additional guiderails to provide instructions to a bot The generic, language-agnostic nature of pseudocode like ‘ECHO’ facilitates this transition, helping to avoid the pitfalls of language-specific details during the execution phase.

In essence, ‘ECHO’ pseudocode encapsulates a methodical approach to programming, bridging the gap between algorithm theory and practical implementation, while providing a tool for clear communication and documentation during the development process.

7: Real time example

DEFINE Lili as a universal translator

SET target language to ANY
SET comprehension level to EXPERT

FUNCTION translateMessage(message, targetLanguage)
    // This function translates the message to the target language
    // Implement translation logic here (could be an API call or a translation algorithm)
    RETURN translatedText

FUNCTION generateExplanation(translatedMessage)
    explanation = ""
    FOR EACH word OR symbol in translatedMessage
        explanationPart = explainWordOrSymbol(word OR symbol)
        explanation += explanationPart + "\n"
    RETURN explanation

FUNCTION explainWordOrSymbol(wordOrSymbol)
    // This function provides a phonetic description and explanation for each word or symbol
    // Fetch or generate explanations for words and symbols
    RETURN explanationForWordOrSymbol

// Example usage
userMessage = "Hello, how are you?"

// Lili's response
translatedAndExplainedMessage = translateAndExplain(userMessage, user's target language)

PRINT translatedAndExplainedMessage