Written By: Altyr Whateley

Essex County – An unprecedented and chilling event occurred this week, as the Essex County Hospital found itself the victim of a cyber attack that left its entire network paralyzed. The culprit, who remains unidentified at this time, successfully locked down the hospital’s critical systems, including access to patients’ medical records, billing, and appointment scheduling.

As a result, healthcare providers were forced to improvise, relying on handwritten notes and charts to ensure patients received the necessary care. Doctors, nurses, and administrators worked tirelessly around the clock to minimize the disruption to the hundreds of patients that rely on the hospital daily.

During the siege, the hacker demanded a significant sum in Bitcoin, an untraceable and decentralized digital currency, threatening to delete the hospital’s electronic data permanently and plunge the facility into a catastrophic information loss.

Ultimately, Essex County Hospital’s administration made the difficult decision to comply with the hacker’s demands, fearing that the potential consequences of a prolonged system downtime could jeopardize numerous lives.

After receiving the undisclosed amount in Bitcoin, the hacker released the hospital’s digital systems, which were restored after hours of additional work by the hospital’s IT staff.

Essex County Police Department is actively working with federal investigators in an attempt to track down the perpetrator of this heinous attack. At this time, no suspects have been identified, and anyone with any relevant information is urged to call the county PD.

The community is left shaken and outraged by this crime, as the trust they place in their healthcare system has been violated. Nonetheless, the dedication and resilience of Essex County Hospital’s staff are to be commended for ensuring patients received appropriate care amidst this crisis.

Stay tuned to Miskatonic Daily for more updates as the investigation into this cyber attack continues.