Dr. Althaia Shadowbrook

While this email was sent across a top-secret network, it’s somehow made itself home on a few rogue channels on discord.


(TS)-TO: OSI-COMMAND || FROM: A.S. || DATE: 03-03-2009

(TSI/SCI-I)-I, Althaia Shadowbrook, wish to report the suspicious activities of Agent Hastur Galloway. I am filing this report after observing his actions at the U.R.S.E.L.A. facility.

(C)- H. Galloway, a Caucasian male with blonde hair and green eyes, has been under observation for several weeks. Although Agent Galloway appears to adhere to DHS protocols by outward appearances, his conduct raises concerns regarding his motives and underlying intentions.

(S)- Working as a psychiatrist at U.R.S.E.L.A., I have been privy to several instances involving detainees under Hastur's custody. While I cannot divulge explicit details, there have been disturbing reports of maltreatment and unethical practices. It seems that Agent Galloway relishes inflicting pain upon his subjects, and his ruthless demeanor is reminiscent of someone who enjoys causing suffering. I implore OSI Command to consider this report with the utmost seriousness. If my suspicions prove accurate, Hastur Galloway's continued presence within our ranks could have dire and far-reaching consequences. I am prepared to provide further information and testimony as required to support this case.

(TS)-Adding to my concerns are the inexplicable events that tend to occur in Agent Galloway's presence. On several occasions, I have witnessed strange occurrences that defy logic and explanation. Shadows in his vicinity appear to warp, and his presence seems to exert an unnerving influence on both humans and equipment within the facility. Furthermore, I have seen the agent seemingly communicate with unseen entities on multiple occasions.

(S)-It is my belief that Agent Hastur Galloway may be a significant security risk to both the Department of Homeland Security and our nation as a whole. As someone committed to protecting our citizens from all threats, both foreign and domestic, it is my duty to report these concerns and suggest a thorough investigation into Hastur's background, affiliations, and motivations.

(C)-This report has been filed in accordance with the appropriate channels and protocols for classified information disclosure. I trust that the contents herein will be treated as top-secret and confidential, and that appropriate action will be taken to address the concerns raised.