General Solveig Eriksen

A file leaked by LittleMoth inside a closed IRC chat labeled #LAMP
(C)-Per the request of General Eriksen, the information presented reflects the current state of operations within the facility.
(TS/SCI-E)-B.L.U.F: The inception of U.R.S.E.L.A began in the early 2000’s as a joint project between DEP and DHS. An increase in reported EWFs or otherwise unidentified specimens off the eastern coast has demanded a more formal proposition. As these EWF events increased in frequency and severity along the Georgia coastline, it became evident that investigation was necessary for both scientific understanding and potential mitigation strategies. The need for an innovative research facility capable of studying these phenomena led to the proposal and subsequent establishment of U.R.S.E.L.A.
(S)-Subject Update: U.R.S.E.L.A - Underwater Research Sector Expanding Limited Application. This document contains sensitive information pertaining to the research facility known as U.R.S.E.L.A. Unauthorized access or dissemination of its contents is strictly prohibited.

(TS)-Facility Description: U.R.S.E.L.A is an advanced subaquatic complex situated deep beneath the ocean surface off the coast of Georgia, concealed within a natural geological formation known as "Aquatica Trench." Its strategic location provides ideal environmental conditions for conducting extensive studies on non-human entities without attracting unwanted attention from NGO or IGO entities. Constructed using state-of-the-art technological advancements in marine architecture, this self-sustaining facility encompasses multiple levels dedicated to various aspects related to DEP research. EWF - may refer to altered or unidentified forms of life maintaining sapient abilities.

(S)-Level 1: Entrance & Administration Area
(S)-Access controlled by two factor authentication with CAC card and biometric identification systems.
(S)-Administrative offices overseeing operations within U.R.S.E.L.A
(S)-Meeting rooms equipped with secure communication channels used exclusively between authorized personnel
(S)-Level 2: Laboratories and Research Facilities
(TS/SCI)-Specialized laboratories equipped with cutting-edge equipment for the analysis of EWF specimens, including genetic sequencing, physiological studies, and behavioral observation.
(S)-Containment chambers constructed using reinforced materials to prevent any potential breaches or escape attempts by volatile subjects. This includes banning all 90 degree angles within the facility.
(S)-Level 3: Living Quarters & Recreational Areas
(S)-Accommodation quarters designed to provide a comfortable living environment for researchers stationed at U.R.S.E.L.A during extended research expeditions.
(S)-Recreational facilities such as gymnasiums, libraries, and lounges that promote physical wellness and mental relaxation amidst the demanding nature of underwater research.

(S)-Security Measures: The security measures implemented within U.R.S.E.L.A are paramount to maintaining confidentiality regarding its operations while ensuring the safety of all personnel involved:

(TS/SCI)-Perimeter Defense System: A state-of-the-art defense system comprising advanced sonar technology integrated into an array network surrounding Aquatica Trench acts as an early warning system against unauthorized intrusions or approaching threats from both surface vessels and submerged entities lurking in the depths.
(S)-Internal Surveillance Network: An extensive network of surveillance cameras placed strategically throughout every section serves as constant monitoring eyes overseeing activities within U.R.S.E.LA's premises. Any anomalous behavior is immediately flagged for further investigation by trained DEP personnel discreetly positioned across various locations inside the facility.
(TS/SCI-E)-Emergency Response Protocols: U.R.S.E.L.A maintains well-defined emergency response protocols tailored specifically towards mitigating risks associated with containment breach incidents or unforeseen external events posing a threat to its operation integrity. The facility retains the ability to lock down individual sections and floors to help mitigate the potential of extreme loss. These protocols ensure rapid coordination between key staff members aimed at swift resolution without compromising operational secrecy.
(S)-Personnel Selection Process: All personnel working within U.R.S.E.L.A must undergo stringent background checks, and a highly specialized training program to help prepare for regular engagement with EWF’s. Regular psychological assessments are a requirement for all personnel. Individuals are required to under-go this process with a DEP approved therapist once every three months.
(C)-Channels of communication continue to remain open with all necessary personnel as you get caught up with the latest details required for this transitory step from DHS to DEP.