Category: Uncategorized

  • Claude is almost here!

    We’re happy to announce that a new front end will be coming to the site in early May! This new front end will have the ability to speak with Claude and GPT and will be expanding into more models rapidly. This front end redesign is being kept in browser, private, and data-secure, just like the…

  • ECHO Prompt Gallery

    More prompts will come soon, including RPA prompts, analysis prompts, and more. For now, enjoy this slew of roleplaying prompt templates and examples!

  • Introducing: ECHO – a new generation of pseudocode

    Using ELIML and Guidance? Boostyle +? SBF? Feel like it isn’t quite hitting the mark in terms of getting a bot to act the way you want? Well, look no further, ECHO is here to help. You can find more details on the page below, and even some example bots in our ‘XML Converter’ and…