Category: Uncategorized

  • Introducing Grimoire: Alpha 1.0

    Welcome to Grimoire. Alpha v1.0. Please temper expectations as this is an initial release. Your feedback and suggestions will make development of features you want a priority! Hey everyone! For those of you following our journey over the last year, it’s been really important for us to focus on building our own AI tools. We’ve…

  • New web based front end – Alpha Release: May 10th

    While I internally debate on the 20 million names we could assign to this new front end. Let’s lay out what you can expect from this initial release and what it means for the older TTI front end for GPT and NAI. First things first: Your old webpages are going NOWHERE! This means that through…

  • Students – sunset reminder for your classroom!

    This is a quick reminder to all students from April’s classes: Your classroom specific URL will be shutting down on May 1st. For continued support, please switch to using this URL instead: I have designed things so you will not need to export any data, just use the proper URL to retain all conversations…