Category: Uncategorized

  • Alpha 1.0 of Tenebrous Tales

    YAY! We’re here, for discord users please keep an eye on the appropriate channels and look out for a global ping coming shortly. This’ll give you everything you need to participate in the alpha, including ways to directly contact the devs and report bugs! We’ll be posting these links in widely available spaces over the…

  • Alpha 1.0 Release Days Announced:

    We’re closing in on the finish line, ladies and gents! That means it’s time to start putting that functionality into player hands. We’re currently on track for alpha updates going public! Alpha 1.0 Release days: What is in Alpha 1.0?: You shouldn’t be expecting the world, there will be bugs, playability may be limited in…

  • Alpha 1.0-Release update:

    Oh yeah, we’re almost there folks! Two updates in one week?! Well, we’re moving right along now that I’m back to coding. We’ve got some heavy shifts on the UI front, default dark themes will be enabled for testing in universal color schemes until beta! This’ll allow us to take a focus on less fluff…