Category: Uncategorized

  • Merging GPT and NovelAI

    Well we all knew this one was coming. What was once a ‘simple chat application’ of less than 1000 lines of code somehow spiraled into a web of code that can no longer grow with us due to the volume. So, what are we doing? Well, nothing that you as a player should initially notice.…

  • Less downtime, more content.

    We’re implementing a bot to alert developers on the rare occasions when servers need to be reset. Before this caused blips in connectivity ranging from 5min to a few hours. This monitoring and alert system will prevent downtime by pinging Eli that the servers need to be fired up again, resulting in an average reset…

  • GPT Outage resolved

    After about an hour of downtime, OAI/ChatGPT did a great job of bringing their systems back online in a stable format. UI has been updated to reflect this. Thanks for your patience everyone!