Category: Uncategorized

  • GPT/OAI GPT-4-Turbo added (and some other updates)

    Let’s keep this short and simple! GPT4 Turbo and a preview model were added to your list! Yay! In addition you’ll see some new bots around the site aimed to teach people about a new pseudocode language being released called ECHO which recently made it out of the research phase. Lastly, we’d like to apologize…

  • Claude coming to TTI

    Now, before you immediately point out the sad pit that is NovelAI, hear me out. Claude’s API works much more similarly to GPT, both in execution and deployment. This basically means that Anthropic’s (Claude) models will take plain text prompts, or pseudo-code like our character cards with less complexities needed to adjust the model. Because…

  • GPT Error rate – Resolved

    After this weeks issues with error rates decimating API, playground, text, and image models, we’re slowly seeing error rates return back to more reasonable rates that are falling back in line with typical numbers. Remember, we’re here to support! If you notice anything strange feel free to reach out!